It might sound cliché to say that NABA’s 54th Convention in Kalamazoo, Michigan, is one you won’t want to miss. But we can honestly say – without exaggeration – that this convention, being held from July 22-26, will feature some of the most extraordinary experiences that the world of breweriana has to offer.
Here are some of the early-week events that require registration by April 15 due to space limitations.
Tuesday, July 22: Bus Tour to Private Home Collection
This extraordinary event presents the largest private breweriana collection on display known to exist. This impressive assemblage of brewery artifacts features the enviable combination of quantity and quality. It’s truly astounding!
The home tour requires several hours to take it all in. It also includes a catered lunch and beverages.
To participate, there’s a $20 transportation fee. You must register for the Convention and Private Home Collection Bus Tour by April 15. Because there is limited space and the trip takes an hour from the hotel, visitors are required to travel by chartered buses (that have restrooms on board!) provided for the roundtrip.
Wednesday, July 23: Bus Tour to Vicksburg
This special event features an exciting visit to see a major transformation in progress: The Mill at Vicksburg, MI.
This 120-year-old, gargantuan former paper mill is being repurposed into a multi-function, entertainment, and hospitality complex. The Mill will someday soon host a brewery, beer garden, boutique hotel, and event space. (See ad on inside front cover and article that starts on page 9).
And importantly for NABA members, The Mill also will be home to the Cone Top Brewery Museum, known as “NABA’s Front Door.”
Wednesday’s expedition also will feature an open house at the current home of the Cone Top Museum in historic downtown Vicksburg. There will be lunch, refreshments at Cone Top’s beer garden, and the chance to explore the quaint village of Vicksburg during one of its “Burg Day” summer festival days.
Finally, there will be a remarkable opportunity to enjoy refreshments in unique, “period bars” designed by the Cone Top team to provide the experience of the taverns of yesteryear. And of course, there will be the ambiance from an extensive array of period breweriana on display.
To participate, you must register for the Convention and Bus Tour to Vicksburg by April 15. Because there is limited space, visitors are required to travel by chartered buses for the 20-minute distance from Vicksburg to the hotel for the roundtrip.
All of these festivities—including food, beverage, and transportation—are free to NABA members who have registered for the Convention.
Get on the list!
Yes, the hotel rooms sold out quickly. But rooms do free up and Convention attendees are not required to stay at the Radisson Plaza in Kalamazoo.
If you haven’t yet secured a room at the Radisson, contact Joe Gula at joeffd@indy.rr.com to get your name on the waitlist. There are typically some cancellations and Joe can advise you as rooms become available.
If you have reserved your room, please register to get a free commemorative tin-over-cardboard sign, and for these bus trips by April 15. Prepare to be astounded!